Monday, February 15, 2016

Prototype 1

Alex main superpower is the ability to shapeshift, transforming his body into anybody. Going hand-in-hand with this power is the ability to "consume" others, absorbing them entirely. This process allows Alex to quickly regain health by absorbing the biomass of his enemies. It also allows him to take the form of human enemies he absorbs, allowing players to move the enemy as one of them. disguise will only last as long as Alex remains inconspicuous. Alex has tremendous physical strength, and will kill most people in one blow. He can do a variety of attacks at close range without changing shape, as well as more gymnastic moves such as air combos, slid along the ground using humanoid enemy's body, and high-speed rolling cannon attack.

Alex can also transform parts of his body into a selection of self-defense tool that is acquired during the game, either as an upgrade or by buying them. offensive force including Blade big and strong arm, quick sharp Claws (which also can erupt large spikes from the ground), which telescoping Whipfist, Musclemass which adds strength and Hammerfists slow but powerful. Defensive options consist of a large shield on the left arm to block Alex ballistic attacks that needs regeneration after excessive damage, and the full body armor that exchanges agility and speed for toughness in hand-to-hand combat; both will allow Alex to plow through most obstacles when active. vision includes a thermal vision mode, which allows Alex to see enemies through smoke and other obstacles at the expense of decreased range of vision and infected vision, which highlights those infected with the Blacklight virus as well as military units. Both modes vision Alex drown out all the other senses, such as hearing, in order to concentrate on her vision. One defensive and offensive strength may be active at one time, and either use will negate Alex's current disguise. In addition to his own abilities, Alex can take the weapon of the enemy is defeated or absorbed. These include automatic rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and missile launchers. He can also take control of military vehicles, such as tanks and helicopters.

Alex's most powerful attack is Devastators, which require Alex to be in Critical mass either near-death circumstances or otherwise, have stored the excess biomass and improve health. These include Tendril Barrage, which fires impaling tendrils from his body in all directions, which Groundspike Tomb, which erupted huge spikes from the ground around Alex, and Critical Pain, which fires a single beam hardened biomass from his hands to severe damage of the targets.

For movements around the city, Alex uses his increasing physical ability. When running, it will automatically go up over cars, barriers and other obstacles without losing momentum. Alex will also scale any wall he comes into contact with and just knocked aside every human creature who get on the road without stopping. She can jump very high and distance, enough to clear the five-story building, and can be run with extreme speed indefinitely. Fall does not cause damage to the player even from the greatest heights. Even a small jump enough to dent Alex soil beneath it, and fell from a considerable height would create a surge of electricity at the point of impact that would kill most humans nearby and send large objects like flying cars. High falls are also factors into a melee attack Alex.

Enemies in the game are Infected: those infected with the Blacklight virus, and Military. The Infected composed of ordinary civilians infected with a virus that generally do not pose a threat to Alex. However, Hunters, a huge creature made from infected water tower, is one of the main enemies in the game. Hunters developing so-called leader is one of the most powerful creatures in the game and very difficult for Alex to kill. The military is composed of ordinary soldiers who usually do not pose a threat to Alex, even though they are capable of operating weapons are very dangerous for Alex, like tanks and heavily armed helicopters. The military is also comprised of Blackwatch, an agency dedicated to combating biological and nuclear warfare. Blackwatch is one tricky part of the story of the game and created several biological weapons are the most lethal fighting Alex, including a virus detector capable of detecting Alex even in disguise, and was introduced later in the game, the deadly poison Bloodtox, capable of slowly killing Alex and infected. Introduced later in the game is heavily armored soldiers and durable referred to as the Super Soldiers, able to fight Alex and some of the strongest Infected.

In order to get a more advanced upgrade, Alex is able to sneak into the base using a disguise and secretly consume various officials within the base. He also can trigger an alert in the base, where the only way to escape is to slaughter anyone on base. Alex can also get infected with the upgrade of collecting genetic data. Hives are infected, such as Base, which is located across the city, and the genetic data constantly. Alex can destroy infected hives or just soak up the outside data as it is being produced. At the beginning of the game, only a small faction of Military infected and are present in the city. However, as the game progresses, the Military and infection began to spread. The area of ​​this city is made of three different zones. Blue Zones are in control of the military and relatively clean of the infection. Growing red zone with infection, although it still remains a strong military presence. In some areas of the city, the Blue Zone and Red Zone may meet, creating a new and different Purple zone. In this zone, the Military and the infected are in a constant battle for control. How does a player decide to act in this zone determining faction seized the territory.

The game takes place in a medium version of Manhattan with all the famous landmarks, including the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, Trump Building, One Chase Manhattan Plaza, the Conde Nast Building, MetLife Building, One New York Plaza, New York Life Building, among others.

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