Monday, February 15, 2016

Jaws Unleashed

In Jaws: Unleashed, the player assumes the role of shark Jaws. The first shark enters the island from the south end and the player finds himself in a cove. The bay has a tutorial to allow players to become familiar with the controls, as to move the shark and attack other creatures. Sharks have a menu for an upgrade as well. It can be accessed either from the main menu or the pause menu.
Upgrade points earned by causing damage around Amity Island (at the level and in the free roam mode), complete the level, and / or collect bonus items, which are most often found to be a treasure chest. There is a lot of improvement criteria to choose from. Players can choose to upgrade sharks strength, speed, hunger, health, or accuracy. During gameplay, no HUD at the bottom right corner of the screen. HUD has four meter and sonar that informs the player of the position of objects is important, prey and enemies. Two parallel meter above the sonar is essential for health Jaws' (right, red), and hunger (the left side, green). Such as Jaws became hungry, health will be reduced, forcing the player to "eat" constantly. Health bar will also be reduced because Jaws taking damage. Two meter last used to fill the tail-whip and head-butt shark attack. The more each meter fills, the stronger the attack. Meters in the left quadrant of the sonar, walking along an arc with a head-butt meter outside and tail-whip meter inside. Head-butt meter orange when charging, flashes when fully charged, and the same with the meter tail whip, but purple instead of orange. Jaws have unique attacks in his arsenal. Sharks can ram an object with his snout, tail whip others with his tail, biting, and when players gain enough points to upgrade the ability of Jaws', new attacks becomes locked, as "corkscrew" and "body bomb." To attack corkscrew, filling the head-butt and tail-whip meter meter; head-butt first, and then release the button tail-whip and sharks will rotate, causing damage to anything caught behind. To do body-bomb, just fill in the meter head-butt, shark pointing upwards, button release motion and the sharks will fly through the air and smash back down.
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