Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gta Naruto Madara Rikudou

Game Ini Sudah Saya Letakkan Mod Mod Nya Lengkap Banget......Tetapi Ada Yang Masi Kurang Yaitu Jutsu Tokoh Naruto Lainnya...
Tapi Jangan Khawatir Jika Ingin Lebih Banyak Tokoh Dalam Game Ini Maka Like Lah Sebanyak Banyak Nya!!! Dan Jangan Lupa Share Ke Teman Teman Ya...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Bully Scholarship

Gane Play:

Bully is an action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. The game's single-player mode lets players control a high school student – teenage rebel James "Jimmy" Hopkins. Throughout the story, Jimmy rises through the ranks of the school groups, which include Bullies, Nerds, Preppies, Greasers, and Jocks. Players complete missions—linear scenarios with set objectives—to progress through the story. Outside of missions, players can freely roam the game's open world, and have the ability to complete optional side missions. The world of Bully, named Bullworth, is separated between five areas: Bullworth Academy, Old Bullworth Vale, Bullworth Town, New Coventry, and the Blue Skies Industrial Area. At the beginning of the game, players can only explore Bullworth Academy, with all other areas unlocking as the story progresses.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Naruto Shippudent Ultimate Ninja Strom 4

Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 features gameplay akin to that of previous games in the series, in which players battle each other in 3D arenas. A returning feature which was omissed since the original Ultimate Ninja Storm is the ability to Wall Run. Players will be able to dynamically take to battle to the sides of the arenas, and battle on the walls of each stage. A major change to the feature is the ability to have one character be on the wall, while the other stays on the field. Originally the second player was automatically moved to the wall, to keep the battle flowing and the system in check. The option to select one of three different fighting types has been removed, which was introduced in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution,

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Naruto Shippudent Ultimate Ninja Strom 3

The game has 80 playable characters and 7 only support characters (81 playable characters and 7 support characters in Full Burst) [3] The fighting system has been deleted,[4] with the Sleeping Mode, a state that gave each character the same abilities when their health was full, being possible to be used at anytime after a fight

Prototype 2

James Heller can shapeshift and assume other people's identities and memories by consuming them. Taking people's identities and shapeshifting into them has Become more tactical. Due to Blackwatch's actions in the Yellow Zone, if the player assumes the role of a soldier, people will react to him in a way that shows that they want nothing to do with him. To make sure that enemies do not overwhelm the player, Radical has created a dodging system and new, more realistic AI. Heller will be Able to use the weapons in the game, such as ripping the Gatling cannon off a tank and using it against enemies. Heller can also sneak up on unsuspecting human enemies, inject them with the Blacklight virus turning them into "Bio Bomb" to blow up spectacularly. Heller Also has superhuman strength and agility, near-invulnerability to harm, near-flight leaping and gliding, infinite stamina, Increased speed, and has a sonar sense. The sonar includes a new pulse ability that highlights the key features of an environment to make it Easier for the player to find someone, instead of looking in a large crowd for a person with an icon above Reviews their head. Radical has stated that the powers will be more meaningful, Appearing as mutations and upgrades that let players Decide how they want to play as Heller. [8]

Monday, February 15, 2016

Prototype 1

Alex main superpower is the ability to shapeshift, transforming his body into anybody. Going hand-in-hand with this power is the ability to "consume" others, absorbing them entirely. This process allows Alex to quickly regain health by absorbing the biomass of his enemies. It also allows him to take the form of human enemies he absorbs, allowing players to move the enemy as one of them. disguise will only last as long as Alex remains inconspicuous. Alex has tremendous physical strength, and will kill most people in one blow. He can do a variety of attacks at close range without changing shape, as well as more gymnastic moves such as air combos, slid along the ground using humanoid enemy's body, and high-speed rolling cannon attack.

Alex can also transform parts of his body into a selection of self-defense tool that is acquired during the game, either as an upgrade or by buying them. offensive force including Blade big and strong arm, quick sharp Claws (which also can erupt large spikes from the ground), which telescoping Whipfist, Musclemass which adds strength and Hammerfists slow but powerful. Defensive options consist of a large shield on the left arm to block Alex ballistic attacks that needs regeneration after excessive damage, and the full body armor that exchanges agility and speed for toughness in hand-to-hand combat; both will allow Alex to plow through most obstacles when active. vision includes a thermal vision mode, which allows Alex to see enemies through smoke and other obstacles at the expense of decreased range of vision and infected vision, which highlights those infected with the Blacklight virus as well as military units. Both modes vision Alex drown out all the other senses, such as hearing, in order to concentrate on her vision. One defensive and offensive strength may be active at one time, and either use will negate Alex's current disguise. In addition to his own abilities, Alex can take the weapon of the enemy is defeated or absorbed. These include automatic rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and missile launchers. He can also take control of military vehicles, such as tanks and helicopters.

Jaws Unleashed

In Jaws: Unleashed, the player assumes the role of shark Jaws. The first shark enters the island from the south end and the player finds himself in a cove. The bay has a tutorial to allow players to become familiar with the controls, as to move the shark and attack other creatures. Sharks have a menu for an upgrade as well. It can be accessed either from the main menu or the pause menu.

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